Dear Parents, Guardians, & Patrons,
Springfield Clifford N. Pritts Elementary School is located in the mountain area of Connellsville Area School District. The school provides education services for students in grades kindergarten through the fifth grade. Currently, Springfield has an enrollment of approximately 325 students with an average class size of 23 students.
The administration, teachers and support staff are a caring group that works hard to build positive relationships with each student while providing targeted instruction to meet their academic needs. Instruction is designed around the needs of students through benchmarking data to focus not only on the whole group, but also the individual. A variety of instructional groupings and strategies are used including whole class instruction, stations, targeted intervention, and intense intervention groups. Learning occurs through differentiated instruction to provide for the variety of needs and learning styles of each student. In summary, the school evaluates the needs of students and develops schedules and instructional practices to best provide for the education of your child.
Education is a joint effort between the parents and the school. You are always welcome to call the school to ask questions or voice any concerns you might have. You are the most important part in your child’s education, and we want to work with you in this endeavor.
Dr. Lori Rosensteel
Acting Principal